
High School

"Learning to live"

High School is a two-year cycle (from 16 to 18 years of age) in which students' personal and intellectual maturity is consolidated.

Our objectives

The final objective of the stage is to provide them with a solid human formation to face university studies and their professional vocation.

During this stage, the basic pedagogical principle is, as in Infant Education, affective closeness. Each student feels guided and supported in their growth, in the discovery of their abilities, in the acquisition of behavioral and social habits, by the attentive and close eye of the tutor. All of this within the framework of a school that encourages demand as an attitude and as a method to achieve maximum quality. Always based on the possibilities and developmental stage of each student, offering the necessary support and help to each one. High School at at Abat Oliba is a commitment to the maturation of the personality of young people, and in this sense seeks both a rigorous method of work and an affective and moral accompaniment appropriate to the age of the students.


Proposed activities

Today, not only is university life complex, but also the adult world is very unstable and fragile. In this sense, personal preparation to face the difficulties of life in general, and of the university in particular, is fundamental. To make this possible, our Baccalaureate contains the following elements:

"Professional Talks"

"Professional Talks"

Each year, the school organizes a week of conferences on current topics. They are taught by industry professionals or by our university professors.
These conferences are aimed at helping you in your professional discernment.



At the suggestion of the school or the students, we propose the projection and subsequent commentary of some films during the course.



The school participates in school championships
which is organized by the C.E.E.B.



Annually we publish the school magazine, Lorien. A privileged instrument to share with parents, teachers and students of other stages, the activities developed by the students of the Artistic and Humanities Baccalaureate.



Each course has a specific proposal
of Campus once a year.

High School structure

The high school studies are presented by subjects, distributed in two parts: common part and diversified part. Each school prepares, according to its criteria, the different possibilities for the students' choice, offering blocks of subjects of modality and options to take (itineraries).

Common structure

Common part:

The common part contributes fundamentally to the general formative function of High School and is the same for all students regardless of the modality they have chosen.

High School of our school includes, in the curricular subjects determined by law, one more hour per week of each of the official languages and an additional half hour per week dedicated to the tutorial follow-up of the students.

Lengua Catalana 2 2
Lengua Castellana 2 2
Lengua Extranjera (Alemán/Francés/Italiano/Inglés) 3 3
Filosofía 2 -
Historia de la Filosofía - 3
Ciencias del Mundo Contemporáneo 2 -
Historia - 3
Educación Física 2 -
Religión 2 -
Trabajo de Investigación - -
Tutoría 1 1


Diversified structure

The diversified part:

It is the one chosen by the student and provides a more specialized training, preparing and orienting him/her towards further studies or towards certain professional activities.

Each student must take a minimum of 6 subjects of his or her modality throughout the two El currículum de la parte diversificada quedará completado con dos horas semanales en primero y cuatro en segundo, de una materia optativa.

Your future starts now

A solid education, strong values and broad knowledge.
Enthusiasm, initiative and the ability to choose their own future.