
Becas y subvenciones de la FAO



La Fundación Abat Oliba tiene como objetivo primordial la excelencia humana e intelectual, creando para ello un entorno en el que los alumnos puedan comprobar el éxito de esta propuesta educativa, confrontándose con un auténtico modelo de vida intelectual y moral.

For this reason, it is at the origin of our vocation to pay special attention to families, the nucleus of social life, and especially to those students who, with sufficient merit, do not have the necessary economic resources to obtain the education they desire.

This is the raison d’être of our AbatOliba scholarships, which we hope will contribute to the realization of this educational project in a true and effective way.

Type of scholarships

Study grants

The award is made by a Scholarship Commission made up of the center's management and members of the FAO Board of Trustees. All our centers offer study aids according to the following parameters and considering each case individually:

1. Student’s academic record.

2. Family situation (income threshold, number of children, special circumstances…)

Aid after the third child

From P2 onwards, families with three or more children who have more than two children studying in one of our centers, will have a 50% scholarship on the total amount of the academic year corresponding to the third child, and 100% on the following ones.


The Abat Oliba Private Foundation has decided to take out a life insurance policy to cover the parents of students studying at the Abat Oliba-Loreto school.

Your future starts now

A solid education, strong values and broad knowledge.
Enthusiasm, initiative and the ability to choose their own future.