A charter school with more than thirty years of teaching experience. We offer an education based on Christian virtues and foster in our students a commitment to society and each of their fellow citizens.
Our school considers the relationship between teacher and student as the center of the entire educational task.
Sigue nuestra actividad semanal en los blogs por etapas, y nuestra visión de la educación en el blog :”Tiempo de educar”
Facilitate access to studies for those who are capable of doing so, whatever their financial means, by providing them with teaching and study aids.
To train young people in higher university education, technical and ways, where appropriate, and at any educational level, for professional practice and scientific research.
To provide those who already have a higher scientific or professional education with specialized training that is constantly renewed.
Promote, create, develop and manage educational centres at all levels, whether our own or third-party.
President: D. Alfonso Bullón de Mendoza and Gómez de Valugera
Vicepresident: D. Pablo Nuevo López
Secretary: D. Emiliano Jiménez de León
Excmo. y Rvdmo. Sr. D. Juan José Omella Omella
D. Eduardo Escartín Sánchez
D. Manuel Milián Mestre
D. Albert Pallás Villaronga
D. Pedro Sòls Lucía
D. Roque Velasco Luque
D. José Masip Marzá
D. Jesús M. Ruiz López
D. José Andres Rozas Valdés
D. Luis Alejandro Pollicino Larrañaga
D. José María Simón Castellví
Director: Raül Adames
Administrator: Noemí Ripoll
Pedagogical Director of Early Childhood and Primary Education: Eva Domenech
Head of StudiesEd. Early Childhood: Elena Fernández
Pedagogical Director of Secondary school and Sixth form: Albert Carbó
Head of Sixth form studies: Laia Graells
Admissions Director: Lia Díaz
Director: Jordi Cabanes
Subdirector: Albert Giménez
Academic Secretary: Xavier Alujas
Administrator: Dolor Sala
Coordinator of Early Childhood Education: Cristina Romero
Pedagogical and Academic Coordinators of Primary Education: Laura Navarro i Ainara Gil
Academic Coordinator of Secondary school and Sixth form: Xavier Mora
Coordinator of Sixth form: Albert Giménez
Abat Oliba Loreto School 102
Abat Oliba Spínola School 66
Abat Oliba Loreto School 12
Abat Oliba Spínola School 7
Juan Álvarez Morales General Manager– Representative
Raül Adames García Director – Representative
Jordi Cabanes Rodríguez Director – Representative
* The total remuneration associated with the aforementioned positions is €120,000